Official website of the ECOWAS Parliament

Committee on Trade, Customs and Free Movement

This Committee shall be responsible for matters relating to:

Free Movement of Persons, Goods, Capital and Services;

The establishment of an economic and monetary union as stated in Articles 54 and 55 of the Treaty;

The role of the private sector and joint regional enterprises in the sub-regional economic integration process;

The establishment of an African Economic Union envisaged in the Treaty establishing the African Economic Union of 1991;

Intra-community trade in goods and services;

The promotion of the use of local materials, intermediate goods and inputs as well as finished products originating within the community;

The protection of export commodity prices on the international market;

ECOWAS trade fairs and similar events;

The establishment of an intra-community trade fair information network;

Promotion of better terms of trade for West African commodities and improving access to international markets for the Community;

The World Trade Organization (WT0) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD);

Customs regulations and procedures to ensure effective implementation of the provision of Chapter VIII of the Treaty;

Citizenship of the Community and adoption of measures to guarantee right of entry, residence and establishment of every community citizen, as provided for under Article 59 of the Treaty;

Closer cooperation among judicial and other competent authorities in Member States, in accordance with Article 57 of the Treaty.

The Common External Tariff (CET).

Application of the ACP-European/Union partnership.

Committee News

Committee Members

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committee Clerk
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