Official website of the ECOWAS Parliament

Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)

The Committee shall be responsible for matters relating to:

Regional peace, stability and security by seeking to promote and strengthen good neighbourliness;

Follow up on the status of implementation of Community Texts on peace, security, democracy and good governance;

Promotion and consolidation of a democratic system of governance in each Member State as envisaged by ECOWAS declaration of Political Principles adopted in Abuja on 6 July 1991;

Assisting in parliamentary mediation missions aimed at achieving peaceful resolution of disputes among Member States, cooperation between neighbouring States and promotion of peace, a catalyst of economic development;

Strengthening cooperation in the area of conflict prevention, early warning, peacekeeping operations, control of cross-border crime; international terrorism, proliferation of small arms and anti-personnel mines;

Measures to combat crime, drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption and fraud;

South-South and North-South dialogue;

The African Peer Review Mechanism

The territorial integrity and independence of Member State.

Committee News

Committee Members

Position in Committee Lastname Firstname Country
committee Clerk
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