Official website of the ECOWAS Parliament

Committee on Macro-economic Policy and Economic Research

The Committee shall be responsible for matters relating to:

Monitoring the performance of member states in relation to the macroeconomic convergence criteria set out in the ECOWAS Convergence and Stability Pact.

Economic analysis and country performance and the direction of research and statistics;

The promotion of a microcredit financing policy for the benefit of rural populations;

Convergence of budget deficit, inflation levels, as well as economic and monetary policies.

Macroeconomic stability of the Member States in order to allow for the advent of the ECOWAS single currency.

West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ);

The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development and its subsidiaries, the West African Monetary Agency, the West African Monetary Institute and the West African Central Bank;

Harmonisation of monetary, financial and fiscal policies of Member States, establishment of a single sub-regional Central Bank and creation of a single West African currency;

Free movement of capital between Member States;

Establishment of an environment conducive to foreign direct investment (FDI) in Member States;

Adoption of a West African Investment code;

Promotion of a public-private partnership.

Committee News

Committee Members

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committee Clerk
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