Official website of the ECOWAS Parliament

Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights

This Committee shall be responsible for matters relating to:

Recognition and observation of Community rules and principles;

Recognition, promotion and protection of human and people’s rights;

Harmonisation of the judicial and legal systems of Member States;

Measure to combat all forms of discrimination based on gender, race ethnic origin, religious beliefs, disability or age;

Measures to prevent racism, ethnicity and xenophobia;

Parliamentary rules and verification of powers;

Elaboration and implementation of treaty and other Community Acts;

Preparation of a draft common electoral law.

Monitoring the implementation of international agreements and conventions on human and child’s rights

Development of appropriate measures for the protection of the child and other vulnerable groups.

Administrative and financial management of the Community Court of Justice, ECOWAS

Committee News

Committee Members

Position in Committee Lastname Firstname Country
committee Clerk
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