Official website of the ECOWAS Parliament

Committee on Energy and Mines

The Committee shall be responsible for matters relating to:

The implementation and monitoring of regional policy in the fields of energy, mines and quarries.

Promoting mining development in the region and harmonisation of the policies of Member States, as provided for under Article 28 of the Treaty;

Creating and strengthening multinational, private and public industrial projects which can promote integration;

Promoting small and medium scale industries;

Encouraging participation of West African entrepreneurs in the sub-regional industrialization process;

Prospecting, mapping, production, development, utilisation and processing of mineral resources;

The effective development of the sub-region’s energy resources;

Ensuring the regular supply of hydrocarbons;

The development of new and renewable energies, particularly solar energy as part of efforts to diversity energy sources;

Interconnection of electricity distribution networks;

The West African pipeline project and its extension to all Member States;

Research into exploration, production and distribution sources of energy;

Committee News

Committee Members

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committee Clerk
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